
Q: Why should I participate in the Hug An Athlete 5k?
A: Kick start the new year and join fans of Belvidere Park District Special Recreation SO Pirates Athletes to run/walk/roll the course, enjoy hot cocoa, get a cool swag bag, and get hugs, fist bumps & high 5's from our Special Olympic athletes to finish the race all while raising money for our athletes.

Q: I can’t make the race; can I get a refund or transfer my bib number to my friend?
A: No refunds will be given if you are unable to attend the race. The "Hug An Athlete" 5K is strictly a fundraising event and if you are unable to attend your race fee will be taken as a donation to the athletes. You can transfer your bib numbers the day of the race at check-in or during the packet pick-up times. We also cannot defer your registration to another year.

Q: Are wheels allowed on the course?
A: Yes, wheelchairs are welcome!
A: Yes, baby joggers/strollers are allowed but must start behind all runners & walkers.
A: No, bicycles, in-line skates, or any other types of wheels are not allowed on the course. The exception to this are wheelchairs.

Q: Where do I register?
A: To register for the race click on the registration tab and you will be directed to the online registration portal. There is a minimal fee to register online. Upon registration you will receive an email confirmation of your registration, as well as important email updates as the race approaches.

Q: Is there an age minimum or maximum?
A: Yes, there is a minimum age in order to walk/run/roll in the race, which is at least 5 years of age.
A: No, there is NOT a maximum age requirement.
If you do not feel you can complete the race, then why not volunteer!

Q: What is the course like? Is it hilly or flat? On trails or roads?
A: This is a mainly flat course all on the Kishwaukee Riverfront bike/walking path. There is a small portion of the race that is on a public roadway.
Q: Are walkers allowed?
A: Absolutely!
Q: Are dogs allowed to run the course too?
A: No, for safety of the participants, spectators, and of the pets, we do not encourage dogs on the course.